Real-Time Call Monitoring

Oversee all your incoming and outgoing traffic flow in real time and identify areas of improvement.

Identify agent performance proficiency and deficit and give real time feedback to improve call center quality and attune to customers feedback. Maqsam's powerful coaching and monitoring capabilities give admins immediate visibility into agent performance for identifying mistakes and reversing them quickly so as to better service customer issues and improve calls with prospects.

Listen Into Live Queues

Especially with remote work on the rise, live call supervision is essential. With our Whispering and Barging features you can join calls, intervene, coach and whisper to agents live.

Every Step Of The Call

Better coach your agents and see how they're doing at every step of the call, as well as keep archived records of their interactions for future reference.

check out these features

Track User Activity

View real time, make relevant observations and keep track of your users' activity.

API Integrations

Power up your customer service with our complete open API solutions.

Live Dashboards

Sit back and watch the traffic flow in real-time, allowing you to take action with no delays with our Live Dashboard.

From Customer to Cloud: Everything you need to make Customer Experience smarter.

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