Unlimited Call Recordings

No limits, record as many calls as you want.

Unlike others, we provide you with high definition call recording available instantly and forever. We offer you unlimited storage space for your recordings with no additional or hidden fees. Call recording is an important tool that helps you to track the history of every conversation. You can be assured that no detail will go undetected with our reliable service. With our call recording feature, training of new employees has never been that easy, as newcomers can look back at customer interactions (if they have the permission to do so) and learn more about how conversations flow from support and sales functions. Every company cares about the quality of the service it provides to its customers; your quality assurance team can easily review calls and interactions with your customers to assure the team is serving your clients with the required quality all the time. Of course, it goes without saying that all calls are recorded and stored in a secure manner while still granting you access to it in an instant and easy approach, whether through our administrative interface or our 3rd party integrations.

check out these features

Call Whispering

Drop in on live calls between the customer and agent and coach your agent in real time on the call.

Sentiment Analysis

Make use of artificial intelligence to get a thorough understanding of the overall sentiment during conversations between your team and customers.

After Call Work (ACW)

Give your team enough time to finalize any call related matters without missing a new call.

From Customer to Cloud: Everything you need to make Customer Experience smarter.

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